Legend has it that Astrea the Goddess of Innocence, left earth to live in the sky as the constellation Virgo. After Zeus and the other gods decided to exterminate humanity with a flood leaving only two humans. She felt horribly sad for them and created starlight to guide them and in her sorrow her tears fell to earth and the flower Aster bloomed.
This fall blooming daisy like flower has around 250 species and 600 varieties. The common aster is one of the favorites of Chinese florist and gardens. Asters are closely related to chrysanthemums and also considered a classic fall flower. This hardy flower blooms in many regions from the mountains to the wetlands and is frost resistant .
Fun Facts
- Aster is the latin word for star.
- In ancient times aster leaves were burned to drive away evil snakes.
- The flower symbolizes love, faith, wisdom, patience and daintiness.
- Wild aster is very rich in calcium.
- Also known as Starworts or Michaelmas.
- Aster are complicated formed by tiny bisexual tubular blooms
- Most of them are perennials although some varieties are annuals or biennials.
- Aster is the 20th anniversary flower.
- Receiving asters has the hidden meaning "take care of yourself for me"